Learn what you need to know to work safely in bear country.
One-day classroom seminar plus a one-day field seminar.
Classroom seminar can be stand-alone.
What you’ll learn in the class:
- What to do before you go.
- How to avoid bear-prone areas.
- Detailed bear-food plant identification so you can avoid bear feeding areas.
- Bear habitat recognition to aid in your awareness of potential hazard areas.
- Typical bear behaviours and what they mean.
- Appropriate behaviour in bear country so you don’t get into trouble..
- Differentiating Grizzly and Black Bears.
- Differences in your response for Grizzly and Black Bears.
- How to respond in an actual encounter.
- Bangers, Spray, Weapons and other deterrents.
- Camp setup and security.
- Scenario practice.
- Corporate bear policy.
- Monitors and their roles.
- Emergency procedures.
- Post-encounter reporting.
What you’ll learn in the field.
- Habitat recognition.
- Bear spray use.
- Bear banger use.
- Practice with scenarios.
- Bear food plant identification.
- Bear sign identification. (tracks, diggings, scat, bark scratching, bedding sites, etc.
- Practice appropriate behaviour for bear country. (noise making, scouting, approach, departure, wind direction, scent, etc.)
You’ll also get an information-rich 50-page manual.
Call for a quote. (403) 270-0000
Feel safe and avoid bear attacks when you’re out hiking, fishing or mountain biking.
One hour “essentials” session perfect for a corporate “lunch and learn” program.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- What to do before you go.
- How to avoid bear-prone areas.
- Plants, habitat and other ways of determining bear-prone areas.
- Appropriate behaviour in bear country so you don’t get into trouble..
- Differentiating Grizzly and Black Bears.
- Differences in your response for Grizzly and Black Bears.
- What to do if you actually have an encounter.
- Bangers, Spray and other deterrents.
You’ll also get an information-rich handout in PDF format that you can print off for the participants.
$470+gst for up to 20 participants. Additional participants $20 +gst each.
Outside of Calgary, add transportation costs plus $50/hour travel time.